Ben Matlock
44. [2-20]  3/15/88  THE GENIUS

        Matlock defends his nephew, a certified genius charged with
        murder, who helps his own case by matching wits with a
        computer to identify the person who killed a think-tank

        w. Link Kibbee                d. Frank Thackery
           music by Artie Kane

        Dr. Irwin Bruckner............Bill Mumy
        Dr. Jeremy Barnes.............Lawrence Pressman
        Dr. Vanessa Sedgwick..........Carolyn Seymour
        Arthur Drake..................Lou Felder
        Dr. Paul Liu..................James Pax
        Douglas Harding...............Turner Stephen Bruton
        Dr. Vincent Redding...........Gerald Hiken
        Judge Eileen Hamilton.........Anne E. Curry
        Receptionist..................Kay Walbye
        D.A. Lloyd Burgess............Michael Durrell