Ben Matlock
63.  [3-16]  4/18/89  THE THOROUGHBRED

        Matlock doesn't horse around when it comes to the defense
        of a mentally handicapped stablehand accused of murdering
        the manager of a Thoroughbred farm. [ Taylor Farms ]

        w. Maryanne Kasica & Michael Scheff  d. Leo Penn

        Tommy Jenks..................Don Swayze
        Sam Taylor...................Claude Akins
        Patricia Taylor..............June Chadwick
        John Donovan.................Lonny Chapman
        Clint Purdy..................Kenneth J. McGregor
        Motel Manager................Ned Bellamy
        Sandra Taylor................Susan Walden
        Sgt Charlie..................Chris Anastasio
        Policeman....................Nigel Gibbs
        Ed...........................Alan Koss
        Manager......................Karl Anthony Smith
