Ben Matlock
118. [6-8]  12/13/91  THE GAME SHOW

        The price is right for Matlock who's hired by a game-show host
        (Peter Haskell) to answer the question, "Who killed the
        producer?".  [ Show title:  It's About Time ]

        w. Max Eisenberg & Lonon Smith   d. Robert Scheerer
           music by Artie Kane

        Emcee Dennis Blake...........Peter Haskell
        Norm Fisher..................Mark I. Taylor
        Kari Summers.................Dana Sparks
        Marjorie Wood................Kathleen Garrett
        Walter Belden................Bruce Fairbairn
        Larry Fisher.................Arthur Rosenberg
        Assistant....................Juanita Jennings
        Sheldon......................Steven Hock
        Contestant...................Roger Keller
        Bodyguard....................David Nelson
        Rita.........................Caroline Schlitt
        Doreen.......................Nancy Linari
        ADA McGrath..................Chuck Sloan
        Judge Martin Alden...........Alexander Zale