Ben Matlock
64.  [3-17]  4/25/89   THE MODEL

        Matlock divines the solution to the murder of an amorous
        model, but forgets it after being hit by a car, and must
        reconstruct his thoughts from the witness statements.

        w. Robert Schlitt            d. Tony Mordente

        Sally Hitchcock..............Pamela Bowen
        David Tanney.................John Morrissey
        Bart Hess....................Sam McMurray
        Arthur Richardson............Lyman Ward
        Nurse Gertrude...............Diane Shalet
        Jan Sinclair.................Brenda Strong
        Charlie......................Sal Viscuso
        Guard........................Guy Garner
        Tami Fields..................Cynthia Gouw
        Jury Foreperson..............Claudia Robinson
        Guest........................Diane Sainte Marie
        Bartender....................Delaine Vaughn
        Judge Mary Russell...........Elizabeth Hoffman