Ben Matlock
71.  [4-4]  10/17/89  THE EX

        Julie makes news when she travels to Baltimore to defend a
        man charged with murdering a newspaper editor, and runs
        into her ex-husband (Barry Jenner), who's prosecuting the

        w. Diana Kopald Marcus       d. Harvey Laidman

        Donald March.................Barry Jenner
        Steven Gabriel...............Alan Blumenfeld
        Martin Landers...............Ben Piazza
        John Brady...................Alan Fudge
        Paul McBride.................William O'Leary
        Judge........................Joe George
        Abe Forrester................Bruce Kirby
        Jury Foreperson..............Jerry Boyd
        Clayton Hood.................Larry Handkin
        Editor.......................Ellen Heuer
        Clerk........................Charles Noland
        Katherine....................Lois De Banzie
