Ben Matlock
80.  [4-13]  1/2/90   THE WITNESS

        Matlock hands Michelle her first big case, in which the
        eyewitness to the crime is a sharp-minded lawyer--and the
        real murderer.

        w. Susan Woollen              d. Tony Mordente

        Sandra Townsend..............Caitlin Clark
        Michael Caliguire............Gene Butler
        Jimmy Newton.................Michael Mantell
        Ethan Summers................Patrick St. Esprit
        Rick Allen...................Rob Moran
        Det. Bristol.................Brad Blaisdell
        Asst DA Hunter...............Henry Brown
        Jury Foreperson..............Stephen Borotoy
        Donald Newton................Jeames Higgins
        Landlord.....................Al Maines
        Mr.Morgan....................Mort Sertner
        Workman......................Al Pugliese
        Judge Sawyer.................Lucille Meredith
        Judge Cooksey................Richard Newton