Ben Matlock
130.  [7-1]  11/5/92  THE VACATION  (2 HR)

        The episode in which he meets Cliff and Brynn Thayer becomes
        his daughter instead of a murderess.
        Matlock and his daughter, Leanne, hit the beach for some rest,
        but trouble soon finds them as their hotel's manager is killed.

        w. Anne Collins              d. Christopher Hibler
           story by Gerald Sanoff
           music by Dick De Benedictis

        Kathleen Shelton.............Doran Clark
        Beth Marcus..................Teri Austin
        Laura Masterson..............Marietta de Prima
        Police Lieutenant............? William Allen Young
        ADA..........................Stephen Ayers
        Roland Holloway..............Mark Joy
        Jonathan.....................Gregory Itzin
        Billy Lewis..................Warren Frost
        Cliff Lewis..................Daniel Roebuck
        Mitchell Jackson.............J. Michael Hunter
        Judge........................Ed Lillard
        Desk Clerk...................John Keenan
